The GESAR Group, Group for Studies and Environmental Simulations in Water Reservoirs, was founded in 2005 after a R&D project managed by the brazilian power Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A. an requested to State University of Rio de Janeiro for the deployment of a simulator of the dynamics of hydropower plant reservoirs. Designed to have commercial quality, the software FERSim - as it was known - was intended to study the dynamics of biomass incorporation during the step of filling of the reservoirs.

GESAR group is part of the Faculty of Engineering at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, which is located at Campus Fonseca Telles, at the heart of the park Quinta da Boa Vista, in the neighbourhood of São Cristóvão, metropolitan region of Rio. The pioneer investments at GESAR overpassed US$1 mi, thereby affording it to carry out the required limnological studies for water bodies monitoring as well as three-dimensional computational simulations of high complexity related to their dynamic motion. GESAR’s laboratories are specialized in both experimental and computational threads that hold from external field survey to chemical analyses at microscopic level. Currently, the laboratories are being redesigned.

Concerning the scientific collaboration, GESAR’s partnerships are spreaded worldwide with: CWR - Center for Water Research in Australia, UNA - Universidad Nacional de Asunción , Paraguai, TU Delft, Netherlands, LTCM/EPFL - Laboratoire de Transfert de Chaleur et de Masse , Switzerland, and ULB - Free University of Brussels ,Belgium, Université du Havre ,France, University of Edinburgh (UK, Scotland), University of Glasglow (UK, Scotland) and University of Strathclyde (UK, Scotland), among local institutions.

Besides carrying on with studies in the fields of analytical chemistry and data processing, GESAR is keen to theoretical and applied research in biology, computational sciences and mechanics, although upholds a traditional root in computer programming and finite element methods. Such inherent features led GESAR to deploy a strong background in the craft of the computational modelling of transport phenomena. Through its projects, GESAR’s portfolio comprises more than 30 projects whose total amount of investments granted by the main Brazilian fostering agencies (CAPES, CNPq, FINEP, FAPERJ).

Being a Technological Development Unit, the GESAR group is able to provide consulting as well as research services to public and private companies. GESAR was also a cornerstone to start up the UERJ’s Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering (PPG-EM) activities in 2005. Initially, PPG-EM could offer academic masters courses only. However, since the establishment of the doctoral program in 2010, PPG-EM’s numbers have been increasing toward forming new science personnel.

GESAR's Website

The latest GESAR website was developed looking forward a better information access for the researchers of GESAR group, our current contributors and possible interested students in joining GESAR team. In this new website, you can check our current and past researches, the facilities, the publications, the location of our lab and how to contact us and last but not least, the amazing crew which makes it possible.

This latest version of GESAR website was developed by the former students Lívia Corrêa and Leandro Marques, under the supervision of the professor Daniel Chalhub. The content available on the website was provided by all members of our great team, especially our alumni, Gustavo Anjos, Gustavo Oliveira, Eduardo Vitral and Danillo Soares.